Los invitamos a participar en el 16° CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE LA ENSEÑANZA DE IDIOMAS cuyo objetivo principal es contar con un espacio de actualización metodológica a través del intercambio de conocimientos, experiencias y opiniones. Este año se contará con 4 ponencias internacionales, además de 10 presentaciones.
En esta oportunidad, nuestro Congreso se centra en los avances de la inteligencia artificial donde se brindará una capacitación práctica con herramientas tecnológicas de actualidad así como las estrategias necesarias para hacer de estos avances tecnológicos un aliado del docente de idiomas.
Evento: Vía Zoom
- 21 horas cronológicas de actualización docente en el uso de recursos tecnológicos.
- 14 presentaciones de 1.5 horas cada una.
- Constancia de participación por haber asistido a un mínimo de 11 presentaciones*
*Constancias se enviarán a partir del 17 de noviembre de forma virtual (no se brindará físico)

El Congreso se realizará en:

Gareth Rees is an English language teacher, ELT materials author and intercultural communication trainer, currently working for the Language Centre at the University of the Arts London (UAL). He also teaches filmmaking short courses at the Beijing Academy of the Creative Arts. He has taught in a range of ELT contexts in Spain, the UK, Afghanistan, and China. As an ELT author, he has written for varied purposes in different media e.g., British Airways, BBC Learning English, and course books with ELT publishers including Macmillan Education. He was a producer for www.teachingenglish.org (British Council / BBC) for its founding years.

María de la Lama, Director of Universidad del Pacífico Language Center (CIDUP), leads the CIDUP Research area, which was created in 2015. Ms. De la Lama holds a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of California, where she also obtained her undergraduate degree, as well as an MBA from Universidad del Pacífico.

Daniel Morris holds a BA (Hons) degree in Hispanic Studies and a Cambridge CELTA. He has worked as an EFL teacher and British Council Language Assistant in Spain and the UK. Since joining Express Publishing as an ELT Consultant in 2018, he has travelled extensively, delivering academic presentations and teacher training sessions at various international events, including TESOL and IATEFL.

Amanda Fonseca has a degree in Languages and Social Sciences, holds a postgraduate certification in Psycho-pedagogy and an MBA degree in People Management. In Europe she got technically trained by Cambridge, London and Salamanca Universities. Back to Brazil, she held strategic positions in the managing area of important schools from São Paulo State for more than 18 years. At these schools, she developed personalized bilingual programs, trained different teachers and coordinators and implemented these programs with excellent results. These schools have become reference bilingual schools in the region. At present, she is a National Geographic Learning Senior Academic consultant for Latin America and an international consultant on Bilingual Education at Expandir.

Alastair Grant is an experienced Teacher Trainer, Academic Director, ELT author and public speaker. He holds an Honours Degree in English Literature and Philosophy from the University of Warwick in the UK, has completed the International House Certificate of Advanced Methodology, all modules of the Cambridge Delta and the Cambridge Train the Trainer Certificate. Alastair has delivered teacher training at international conferences and at online conferences.
In 2022, Alastair founded the Together for Ukraine teacher development project, a series of free talks and webinars to support teachers from Ukraine. He is also the co-founder of the We’re All in This Together teacher development project, which was set up to support teachers worldwide during the Covid-19 pandemic.
OCTUBRE - 2022
Desarrollar en cada uno de sus alumnos un alto nivel de competencia comunicativa en el idioma estudiado, y hacer del dominio de una lengua extranjera un aliado estratégico para interactuar en un mundo globalizado.
Ser una institución líder en el mercado nacional en la presentación de diversos servicios relacionados con el proceso de enseñaza-aprendizaje de idiomas, que destaque por su calidad, efectividad, profesionalismo y vocación de servicio.
Ser una institución líder en el mercado nacional en la presentación de diversos servicios relacionados con el proceso de enseñaza-aprendizaje de idiomas, que destaque por su calidad, efectividad, profesionalismo y vocación de servicio.